Light Always Wins

The Metaphysical Wizard of Oz with Steve Herbert - PART TWO

Episode Summary

In part two, I welcome geologist, anthropologist, and dowser, Steve Herbert, to discuss his article "The Metaphysical Wizard of Oz" published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research. "Drawing on Indian, Jungian, and other symbols, the author provides an analysis and interpretation of the spiritual significance of the Wizard of Oz." We hone in on several parts of his article and share how some of the symbolism and archetypes have shown up in our own lives as well as the collective unconscious. Having grown up immersed in the movie and later reading the book, I was so excited to read Steve's article and chat with him! You can listen to an audio recording of the article in the previous episode (part one).

Episode Notes

In part two, I welcome geologist, anthropologist, and dowser, Steve Herbert, to discuss his article "The Metaphysical Wizard of Oz" published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research. "Drawing on Indian, Jungian, and other symbols, the author provides an analysis and interpretation of the spiritual significance of the Wizard of Oz." We hone in on several parts of his article and share how some of the symbolism and archetypes have shown up in our own lives as well as the collective unconscious. Having grown up immersed in the movie and later reading the book, I was so excited to read Steve's article and chat with him! 

You can listen to an audio recording of the article in the previous episode (part one).

You can read the article HERE

You can contact Steve Herbert at


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