Light Always Wins

Anam Cara - Our Sedona Ceremony

Episode Summary

This is a special episode with my Anam Cara (Gaelic for Soul Friends) about a powerful shared experience in Sedona, AZ for Sarah Leverett's birthday. We held a ceremony intending to connect with the Earth and her elements (including the cosmos) and bring healing to the land. Sarah, William, Jina, Angela, Ethan, Jakevia, and I share our experiences and reminisce over these life-changing moments. Tune in to hear everyones' perspectives and takeaway!

Episode Notes

This is a special episode with my Anam Cara (Gaelic for Soul Friends) about a powerful shared experience in Sedona, AZ for Sarah Leverett's birthday. We held a ceremony intending to connect with the Earth and her elements (including the cosmos)  and bring healing to the land. Sarah, William, Jina, Angela, Ethan, Jakevia, and I share our experiences and reminisce over these life-changing moments. Tune in to hear everyones' perspectives and takeaway! 

You can listen to past interviews on the LAW podcast with Sarah Leverett of Intuitive Empowerment in Episode 10 and Jina Seer of Past Lives and the Divine in Episode 3.


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